Coconut & Almond No-Bake Balls


1 cupAlmond butter (natural)
1/2 cupCoconut flour
1/2 cupCoconut, shredded, unsweetened
4 tbspCoconut milk, sweetened
4 tbspCoconut oil
1 packetteStevia sweetener, powder
1 tbspCoconut, shredded, unsweetened (for rolling)



  1. Add the almond butter, coconut flour, shredded coconut, coconut milk, coconut oil, and stevia to a food processor.
  2. Process all ingredients for 30 seconds – 1 minute until they are blended nicely together and a ball of dough is formed. You should be able to mold it nicely into small ball shapes.
  3. Remove about 1/2 tbsp – 1 tbsp of mixture at a time and roll them into uniform energy balls. If the mixture is too dry, add more nut butter, and if it’s too wet, add more coconut flour.
  4. Add shredded coconut for rolling onto a plate. Roll each ball in the coconut. Repeat until all of the energy balls are covered in coconut.
  5. Place them on a plate and refrigerate them for 30 minutes until solid.

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